Reference; My Best Pro 2021-12-01
Modified and translated by CFJA
It’s important to reconsider what to wear when the daily temperature difference is more than 5℃.
The more daily temperature difference there is, the more liver needs to function to maintain the body temperature. When the temperature difference between the daily highest and lowest is more than 5℃, it puts more load on internal organs, making the body more prone to sickness. It has been said that when the body temperature difference exceeds 10℃, it makes the body very difficult to regulate body temperature on its own. When the liver gets significantly tired, physical problems such as lower back pain, shoulder stiffness, eyestrain, dizziness, hives and neuralgia may occur. The body temperature tends to become low as appetite decreases, making people think that they get cold easily. As for the mental aspect, it may lead to irritability, anger, lack of concentration, and boredom. To cope with the daily temperature difference, it is good to wear layers of clothes and be able to take them off at any time during the day. Also, for those who think that they get cold easily, it is recommended to wear pants so that it covers the whole legs. When the daily temperature difference is more than 10℃, it is important to have hot or warm meals, review the environment at home and workplace, and try to find the best way to avoid feeling cold.
It’s important to keep a good room temperature in cold weather.
It has been said that the comfortable room temperature in summer is 3℃ below the outside temperature. However, based on Dr. Seino’s years of clinical experience, he states that the appropriate room temperature in winter is 19-21℃ when actively working, 22-25℃ when eating and 26-28℃ during sleep. If the room temperature drops below 18℃, in a room without sunlight, it is best to use the heater. With regards to the room temperature during sleep, this is especially recommended for those who are sick and have trouble regulating their body temperature. Adjusting the room temperature is very effective when the daily temperature difference is 10℃ and still feeling cold even after having a warm or hot meal and wearing layers of clothes.
Sleeping directly on the floor heating or hot carpets can deteriorate kidney function.
In a cold place like Toronto, a lot of people are dressed lightly because the heater is kept on, maintaining a high room temperature. On the other hand, there are quite a few people who live in a place where the temperature does not go below the freezing point and are unaware of the importance of using the heater. Many people do not turn on the heater even when it is below 15℃. Some do not even turn on the heater when it is below 10℃. Likely, people as such are also unaware of the importance of using heating equipment. Having a runny nose or cough is a sign that indicates cold in the body. There are a lot of people who are mainly using floor heating or hot carpets, only using electric heating blankets draped over their knees, or only using kotatsu. It seems that some have their bare feet directly on the hot carpet while working at a desk.
Heating equipment is effective as a way to immediately ward off the cold because it touches the skin directly. This would not be a problem when heating equipment is used while an air conditioner or a stove is warming up the room. However, it becomes a problem when using the heating equipment even after the room is warm enough, which opens up skin pores and allows the heat to escape from the body. Since the temperature outside the body is lower than the body temperature, when moving away from the heating equipment, cold air will enter the body through the opened skin pores to lower the body temperature. Other heating equipment like kotatsu, hot water bottles, and disposable heat packs will lead to the same phenomenon.
Quite a few people do not notice that their intention to warm up the body is actually cause their body to cool down. This is because the brain attempts to cool the part of the body where the heating equipment is constantly attached by stopping to send blood to that area. Hence, sleeping on the floor heating or hot carpet without covering the body with a futon or a blanket, will lead to sickness. It is recognized that kidneys will be damaged the most. A decrease in kidney function will lead to cold-like conditions and cough frequently. It will worsen when sleeping directly on the floor heating or hot carpet. Repeating this daily will exhaust the body and over a long period of time, kidney function will begin to deteriorate. Deterioration of kidney function will lead to problems such as lower back heaviness, back neck stiffness, fatigue, tinnitus, and dizziness. As it gets worse, it will feel like the lower back has lost its strength which makes it harder to keep standing, and will begin to prefer lying down. Mentally, it will lead to symptoms such as lack of motivation, patience, energy, start to have paranoia, dislike having interpersonal relationships, etc. It would not be surprising if it ends up having a kidney disease.
Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy, and exercise (yoga) are effective when regulating body temperature is difficult.
Acupuncture and moxibustion therapy are effective for those who feel cold every day, have cold hands and feet, body temperature is lower than 36℃, or body temperature is in the 34℃ range. It will allow the internal organs and body temperature to be regulated just by paying attention to the use of heating equipment and the room temperature, along with receiving acupuncture and moxibustion therapy regularly. Also, reviewing daily lifestyles can help to reduce symptoms. Exercising is the necessary and basic aspect in the daily lives to maintain the body temperature. Yoga is effective for those who have difficulty playing sports. As Dr. Seino calls it, yosei 養生 (self-care) therapy guides to obtain a healthy daily lifestyle and proper self-care that includes exercise. Please consult with an acupuncture and moxibustion clinic, that can guide you to having a healthy daily lifestyle.