Reference; 2021-10-28;
Modified and translated by CFJA
Can you get knee pain at a young age? When do knees hurt?
Osteoarthritis of the knee is a condition often seen in the elderly. When middle-aged and older adults exercise they can suddenly experience knee pain due to damage to the meniscus or cruciate ligaments. When abnormalities are observed in the joints, it is necessary to promptly seek medical attention from a specialist, orthopedic surgeon or judo therapist. On the other hand, many people experience knee pain with no apparent cause. In many cases, the cause is thought to be that the weight of the upper body is not supported equally by the left and right legs.
If you are in your 20s or 30s and experience knee pain, the problem may be related to the way you walk or your walking habits. When walking, the center of gravity should be on the big toes. People who do not have a straight back and walk with a forward posture are more likely to shift their center of gravity toward the outside and cause pain in their knees. In addition, walking daily in shoes with worn-out soles and heel tilts can easily cause pain in the knees. It is important to regularly check and replace or repair shoes that show signs of wear on the outside of the shoe if the center of gravity is tilted toward the little toe side of the foot. The younger generation is going through a difficult time, with lots of activity during the day and work that is often unfamiliar. Lack of sleep, inactivity, and long hours of desk work can cause physical fatigue, making it difficult to maintain posture in the evening and reducing the flexibility of the knee joint. This is the cause of the pain seen in younger people. When standing, self-assessment is necessary to ensure that the center of gravity is evenly distributed between the left and right plantar feet and that the center of gravity is not tilted toward the heels.
What walking habits create knee pain?
If weight is not evenly distributed on the left and right knee, knee pain will result. Here is a list of typical bad habits.
1. Walking with a bag in one hand
2. Carrying heavy baggage in both hands
3. Walking in high heels
4. Walking with unstable shoes
These are habits that may sound familiar to many people.
In addition, recently, there has been an increase in the number of people who
5. Walking while looking at the phone
6. Walking while eating or drinking
These habits can make people’s posture deviate.
Some habits that are hard to notice are
7. Hanging heavy objects around the waist
8. Walking with things in their pants pockets
9. Walking with an object in the breast pocket
All of these actions cause the body to lean. This is a common habit among men, but these are things that should be changed because walking with a large purse or other object in the back pocket inhibits the muscular movement of the buttocks and can cause pain in the knees. Many people do 7 to 9 of these acts in their occupations. It is important to make sure whether you are standing evenly on your left and right leg and with the least amount of extra equipment which can put strain on the body.
Knee pain in 20-30 year olds is caused by walking habits. How to cure knee pain! 02