Modified and translated by CFJA
Acupuncture therapy and yoga (YOGA) therapy are optimal for supporting independent living in individuals in their 80s.
Acupuncture therapy is a powerful ally for maintaining and improving physical function in individuals in their 80s. Even those with underlying health conditions or restrictions in physical activity are encouraged to consult with us. Acupuncture therapy is a form of “internal and external treatment” that can influence the function of internal organs from outside the body. For those who have not obtained effective results from medication (internal medicine treatment) or have not experienced pain relief from surgery (surgical treatment), we highly recommend trying our acupuncture therapy (internal and surgical treatment). Additionally, yoga is excellent for enhancing physical and cardiopulmonary functions.
When practicing yoga, please keep in mind the following three principles:
- Avoid pushing yourself too hard during practice.
- Perform the exercises slowly and mindfully.
- Coordinate your movements with your breath.
These principles distinguish yoga from other forms of exercise and make it suitable even for individuals in their 80s who may not be accustomed to regular physical activity. It is particularly recommended for those who find exercising challenging, as there is no risk of joint pain even when practicing for more than 30 minutes.