Modified and translated by CFJA
Let’s get back to the topic of hosha 補瀉 (reinforcing-reducing).
“Huang di nei jing ling shu” Chapter 1: Nine Needle Twelve Sources
【Orignal text 原文】 補瀉之時、以針為之
【Translated reading 訓読】 補瀉の時、針を以って之を為す
【Interpretation/modernization 解釈】 When the condition of ho 補 or sha 瀉 is seen in the patient, treat with acupuncture therapy.
This is about the “concept of hosha 補瀉 (reinforcing-reducing)”. Based on the yin-yang perspective, it is classifying the patient into two types. Those who are an acupuncturist would think of a variety of techniques for hosha 補瀉 (reinforcing-reducing). Those are the “theory of hosha 補瀉 (reinforcing-reducing)”. Cheng Dan’an denied the “theory of hosha 補瀉 (reinforcing-reducing)”. ROC and PRC, who do not accept ancient ideas as the study of medicine, deny the “yin-yang theory”, “three-world theory” and “five-element theory”. When learning Sinology, Dr. Seino has been strictly taught about this. During the Qing dynasty, Emperor Qianlong, a Manchurian, made Han Chinese edit the ancient works and left Siku Quanshu 四庫全書 (“Complete Library in Four Sections”). Already at this time, theoretical methods in Chinese medicine were denied. Since ancient times and even until now, diagnoses with “yin-yang theory”, “three-world theory” and “five-element theory” have been denied. Japanese Acupuncturists should be aware of this.
Dr. Seino believes that “ho 補 (reinforcing)” is a “condition where the function is deficient” and “sha 瀉 (reducing)” is a “condition where the function is excess”. Based on this idea, we can then decide whether or not to use the “theory of hosha 補瀉論” and pass down the scientifically proven techniques supported with evidence to the next generation. Dr. Seino believes that the process as such is required to scientifically prove traditional medicine.
In the clinical field, techniques of hosha 補瀉 (reinforcing-reducing) from styles such as Sugiyama style or Sugiyama shinden style are still very effective and give good results. The Japanese acumoxa therapy is, certainly, an effective and useful medicine in the clinical field. Dr. Seino believes that the most efficient way of treating the patient in emergent care or with an acute condition that does not require surgical procedure is, first, to treat with acumoxa therapy for 5 – 10 mins. If it is not enough, then switch to modern medical care.
※4 Siku Quanshu 四庫全書 (“Complete Library in Four Sections”) –
This is called the “Complete Library in Four Sections” because the texts from the Sui dynasty and later were divided into four sections – Jing 経部 (“Classics”), Shi 史部 (“Histories”), Zi 子部 (“Masters”), Ji 集部 (“Collections”) – and were stored into four storehouses. The content of four sections is said to be in 44 sub-categories 類 (Ch. lèi), 3503 titles 種, 36 thousand volumes 冊 (Ch. Cè), 2.3 million pages 頁, 10 billion Chinese characters 字 (there are multiple ways to count). Jing 経部 (“Classics”) is a philosophical book centred around Confucianism, and Zi 子部 (“Masters”) is a medical book. Everything is handwritten. Out of the total of 7 original copies and 1 duplicate copy, 3 original copies are stored in each place. The book called Fumizono kakubon 文園閣本 which was in the Forbidden City in Beijing (the castle where the Qing dynasty used to live) is currently in the Palace Museum 故宮博物館 in Taipei City, ROC (Taiwan). The vast amount of books currently resides in Taiwan because when the government of ROC led by Chiang Kai-shek 蒋介石 decided to move to Taiwan to avoid battling with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), they brought out most of the Important Cultural Properties up until the Qin dynasty, which is as valued as the National treasures, from China.
This applies to any field of study, but Dr. Seino finds that without continuing to read the text daily, the ability to read classical Chinese texts will drop. This is the same as slowly losing the ability to speak English when you don’t speak English daily. After Dr. Seino graduated from the graduate school at Daito Bunka University (master’s degree), he continued to study the analysis of classical Chinese texts.
This is a little bit off-topic, but Dr. Seino is part of the medical history lab at Juntendo University Graduate School of Medicine led by Dr. Shizu Sakai (currently, professor emeritus) and they have been researching the national treasure “Ishinpo 医心方“. Even for texts such as Ishinpo, Dr. Seino finds many questionable parts from the research works of the previous studies. This is not a problem for those who do not read the translated version. However, those that are attempting to read the classical texts, do not assume merely from a single book; it is important to compare and contrast various types of books.