In general acupuncture will not interfere with medically prescribed treatments that a person may be receiving. If you have concerns, however, it is advisable that you consult with a physician before beginning a course of treatments.
Acupuncture serves to activate the body’s own healing mechanisms and does not act in a direct manner to effect change in the body. As such the body’s own healing intelligence is allowed to decide whether a particular change is desirable or beneficial at a particular time. Unlike most forms of modern medical treatments, acupuncture does not demand anything of the body and will work gently in concert with other therapies rather than interfere with them.
It is more likely that acupuncture will complement rather than conflict with other medically prescribed treatments. It will do so by releasing blockages and relaxing the nervous system, thereby increasing the effectiveness of medically prescribed therapies. This is especially true for people undergoing physiotherapy, surgery, radiation or chemotherapy.