Modified and translated by CFJA
7) Times When Eating Should Be Avoided
Eating is not only a way to nourish the body but also an act that brings satisfaction to the mind. Even when we feel full, we often reach for more if something appealing is in front of us, as the brain recalls the pleasure of a delicious experience. While it’s important to enjoy life, sometimes it’s equally important for reason to override instinct.
The times to avoid eating are based on maintaining health and preventing issues:
1. When you feel full
2. After excessive alcohol consumption
3. When feeling sleepy
4. Right before sleeping
5. Just before bathing
6. When feeling unwell
Eating during these times places a strain on digestive organs, as each of these activities reduces digestive efficiency. Consistently eating during these times can lead to dysfunction in various internal organs.
To prevent stress on internal organs, it’s best to:
• Avoid eating during conditions 1, 2, and 6
• Go to sleep when feeling conditions 3 and 4
• Postpone eating until after bathing in condition 5